Poker Game Online is a 23-year-old former trainee doctor who enjoys adult colouring books, jigsaw puzzles and going to the movies. She is entertaining and creative, but can also be very rude and a bit unstable.
She is addicted to coffee, something which her friend Thea Macy Matthews pointed out when she was 17. The problem intensified in 2016. In 2019, Poker lost her job as a trainee doctor as a result of her addiction.
She is a French Hindu who defines herself as gay. She has a degree in medicine. She has a severe phobia of fingers
Physically, Poker is in good shape. She is very tall with light skin, dark brown hair and black eyes.
She grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. Having never really known her parents, she was raised in a series of foster homes.
She is currently in a relationship with Charlotte Marion Hill. Charlotte is 16 years older than her and works as a plumber.
Poker’s best friend is a former trainee doctor called Thea Matthews. They get on well most of the time. She also hangs around with Susie Murphy and Leonie O’Brien. They enjoy blogging together.